Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about Klimek Reviews. Don’t see your question? Contact us for more information.

What is the cost of the In-Person Review?

$395. All travel, lodging, parking, food and other expenses are the responsibility of the attendee.

What content is provided at the Klimek Review?

Our review is a blend of content and application. Some reviews only rehearse a large battery of questions. This design assumes students have mastered the facts and knowledge. That is a mistake in our opinion. So we focus on presenting principles and content the new graduate needs to know. You cannot apply what you do not know. 

Other review course focus on the other extreme and present three days of straight content without application. This is also in error. If students do not see how they will use information in a question the information is useless.

What do I need to bring to the In-Person Review?

Please bring the following: 

  • Government issued photo ID
  • Customer QR code to scan in
  • Credit Card to pay any outstanding balances

Students are welcome to bring whatever needed to take notes. However, the course book is fill in the blank and helps keep the amount of notes needed to a minimum. 

Do we have an online course?

Yes! We have On-Demand Course for the Next Generation NCLEX that is everything from our In-person Review plus quizzes and exercises to accelerate your learning. Start preparing immediately with Mark on your schedule anywhere there’s an internet connection!

What if there are no reviews in my state/country of residence?

You can purchase our On-Demand Course or attend a tutoring session.

Do we sell books outside of the review course?

Yes! You can purchase our Blue Book in electronic format as an app and printed format on Amazon.

What is included in the price of the course?

Each student receives face to face instruction, 21 hours, and the Yellow Book Lecture Outline.

Can I record the course?

Under NO circumstances do we allow students to record audio or video of the live course. Due to misuse and illegal activity we do not make any exceptions to this rule. We take our policy very seriously if anyone is caught recording they will be asked to leave without a refund.

What if the date I wanted to attend is SOLD OUT?

For the case of sold-out reviews, we do not have a waiting list at this time. We will do our best to accommodate all those that are interested. If seats become available due to cancellation, we do post the tickets back online for purchase. Making it a first come first served situation to purchase the newly listed tickets. Please periodically check the website to see if new tickets become available. 

What comes after the Klimek Review?

Here is a study guide to work through after taking the Klimek Review course. This will help you work through the Blue Book as well as help students to answer questions faster/in the allotted amount of time given for the NCLEX.

After Review Study Guide

Does Klimek Reviews make or sell audio recordings?

NO. For legal reasons, we must advise against using any audio recordings of the live Klimek Review course. We do not nor have we ever issued recordings of the class. Listening to these personal audio recordings can be detrimental to the learning process as we can’t not guarantee they are up to date or accurate in information as we are not in control of their distribution. The course is updated constantly to keep up with National Board standards so we are always subtracting and adding new information to the course. We as a company do not offer any recorded version of the course.

Do we hold one on one instruction?

At this time, we do not have one on one instruction of any kind. We urge you to join one of our regularly scheduled course dates.